We will occasionally use a drone when necessary to check the roof before quoting or planning the job etc and only if we have your permission.

As a separate service we also inspect both residential & commercial properties, large and small.

Depending on your budget we can provide you with a quick roof / building inspection taking photographs using a drone of any areas of concern that you may have. Or you may like to just check or for you to use the photographs to obtain quicker and more accurate estimates for repair. With this quick inspection service we will email you the photographs.

This inspection service can be booked separately or carried out at the same time as a roof clean.

If you are interested in a more detailed drone building / roof inspection (residential or commercial) Highbridge 360 will work with an experienced builder or surveyor to create a report that includes written details of the inspection for you. We can integrate the details into software available to view online or hard copy with  GEO mapped & tagged photographs along with potential solutions for any areas of concern / defects.

Find more information on Highbridge Drone Services website here. 


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